New Patients
We are always happy to see new patients, adults and children. The link between oral health and your general health is growing and so we will always focus on achieving a healthy mouth. Upon your enquiry, our patient care team will invite you to visit one of our dentists for your consultation.
All of our new patients will have a thorough 15- point consultation.
Your first visit will be as follows:
- Discuss concerns you have with the health of your teeth/mouth
- Discuss concerns you have with the appearance of your smile
- Cover your medical history
- Social factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption and diet
- Check your TMJ/jaw joints for health and function
- Check the face and neck for signs of disease and oral cancer
- Check the soft tissues including the lips, cheeks, palate, tongue and floor of the mouth for signs of disease and oral cancer
- Review the way in which you are caring for you teeth and if necessary discuss ways to improve
- Examine the health of teeth looking for signs of tooth wear, tooth decay and failing restorations
- Examine the teeth for staining and discolouration
- Examine your bite
- Check the gums in detail for disease
- Take X-rays where necessary
- Discuss the findings of the exam and any treatment that may be indicated
- Discuss ways to improve the health of your mouth in the long term
We look forward to welcoming you.